Local Knowledge

My perception of Boyle and the surrounding area, is that there is so much unseen by the passer-by. In These Rooms encompasses my experience of being an outsider in Boyle, how I discovered the place from speaking with people. Everyone I’ve met so far, both formally and in passing, has been so generous with their time. Below is a series of images from my conversations, walks and cups of tea, while getting to know Boyle and the Royal Hotel.

 Space and memories

In These Rooms looks to portray this interrelationship between the physical spaces in the Royal – bar, restaurant, kitchens, car park – and the people who inhabited the space – guests, locals, friends and staff – past and present. The sociologist Henri Lefebvre calls for an understanding of space which is not about things in space, ‘but about space itself, with a view to uncovering the social relationships embedded in it’. Below are series of images from my documentation of the Royal before these rooms were demolished.